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Falkland author receives province’s Medal of Good Citizenship

Matthew Heneghan, an author from Falkland, BC, and a mental health advocate for veterans, was recognized for his work in mental health advocacy and his dedication to veterans. He served as a medic in the Canadian Armed Forces for six years and was set to deploy to the Middle East but was unable to join his team.

Heneghan experienced profound loss when three of his friends were killed in action, leading to feelings of guilt for not being able to deploy with them. His unit lost Cpl. Andrew “Boomer” Eykelenboom in 2006, Cpl. Michael Starker in 2008, and Pte. Colin Wilmot in 2008. Starker’s death was particularly difficult for Heneghan, as they had trained together. After leaving the military, he became a civilian paramedic and was diagnosed with PTSD in 2017.

To cope with his emotions, Heneghan began writing and created a video titled Empty Chairs. He also experienced the loss of his mother and sister to suicide, which motivated him to turn his grief into action by writing a memoir, A Medic’s Mind. The memoir details his journey through addiction, recovery, and mental health challenges and is intended to help others who are grieving. Heneghan frequently sends his books and gift cards to first responders and others who may benefit from his experiences.

Heneghan actively promotes mental health awareness and volunteers with the Memory Project, where he shares his military experiences at schools and community events. Through speaking engagements, books, and podcasts, Heneghan works to remove the stigma surrounding mental health issues and encourages open discussions.

Heneghan is one of 18 individuals who have made a significant impact on their communities, positively affecting the lives of many and helping to make British Columbia a better place. He plans to frame the province’s Medal of Good Citizenship alongside Alberta’s Emergency Services Medal, which he received in 2016 for his 12 years of service in emergency services.

Source: Castanet