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The Antigonish Community Fridge is Providing Free Meals to Those in Need

The Antigonish Fridge and Food Pantry is a food-sharing initiative aimed at addressing urgent food insecurity in the town and county. It operates on a take-what-you-need, give-what-you-can basis, with locations at the Antigonish Farmers’ Market, accessible 24/7, and the Antigonish Library, open daily with varying hours. The project is made possible by the Antigonish Farmers’ Market and Library, who provide space and cover electricity costs, DeCoste Interiors, which donated the market fridge, and the Department of Communities, Culture, and Heritage, which funded its development.

A new partnership between St. Francis Xavier University, Sodexo, and the Antigonish Community fridge is helping to feed those in need by repurposing surplus food. The meals are prepared by Sodexo, the university’s food service provider, and the surplus meals are then stocked in the Antigonish Community Fridge, ensuring that food doesn’t go to waste and reaches those who need it most.

The program, which started last year, has used and distributed the food that would have otherwise been discarded. An estimated 13,000 meals have been distributed so far.

Sodexo, which receives funding to cover packaging costs, recognizes the program’s value. Meals are stocked weekly in the community fridges located at the Antigonish library, the farmers’ market, and in Havre Boucher, but demand remains high.

Catherine MacPherson, a supporter of the program, expressed gratitude for its existence but wishes that it wasn’t needed. She called on the province to take action to ensure Nova Scotians can afford food. Community members who wish to support the project can reach out via email to get involved.