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World Happiness Report – Canada second among G7

In times of uncertainty, both national and international, Canada remains a beacon of resilience and contentment. Against a backdrop of unprecedented challenges, from the lingering effects of the pandemic to economic fluctuations, our country is a testament to the human capacity for adaptation and perseverance. The 2024 World Happiness Report (WHR) placed Canada as the second happiest country in G7, trailing only countries in the European Union (EU) among all surveyed age groups.

In this narrative of finding happiness through resilience, it becomes evident that it is not any singular entity or those in positions of power – it’s the everyday Canadian and the collective Canadian people that outline our nation’s standing in global happiness rankings. Rooted in the country’s history, Canadians have long exemplified a spirit of innovation and determination, continuously seeking out solutions and embracing challenges with optimism and hope.

The World Happiness Report is an annual publication created in collaboration between Gallup, the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford in the UK, WHR’s Editorial Boardm, and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The G7 is a group of seven of the world’s advanced economies including countries like Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the United States (US), and the EU.

The latest 2024 version of the report assesses the happiness of people in more than 140 countries across different generations and different age groups. Responses submitted to the Gallup World Poll became the basis of the report. The country’s populations were divided into the following four groups:

  • The Young: Under 30 years old
  • Lower Middle: 30 – 44 years old
  • Upper Middle: 45 – 59 years old
  • The Old: 60 years old and above

As per the report, Canada ranks second among all G7 nations in the WHR 2024 in terms of overall happiness (of all ages). Canada trails the countries in the European Union including Finland, which was adjudged as the happiest country in the world closely followed by Denmark and Sweden, among others. Canada ranked fifteen overall which is second among G7 nations in overall happiness:

  • UK: 20th in overall happiness
  • US: 23rd in overall happiness
  • Germany: 24th in overall happiness
  • France: 27th in overall happiness
  • Italy: 41st in overall happiness
  • Japan: 51st in overall happiness

In terms of the age categories, for “The Young” under 30 years of age, Canada ranked fifth of seven, ahead of only the US and Japan.

Among the “Lower Middle” age i.e. 30 to 44 years old, Canada ranked fourth of seven, ahead of Italy, the US, and Japan.

Among the “Upper Middle” i.e. 45 to 59 years old, Canada ranked second of seven, behind only some countries in the EU (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, and Luxembourg).

Among the “Old” i.e. 60 years old and above, Canada again ranked second of seven, trailing some countries in the EU.