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“Men’s Sheds” helps men find opportunities and avoid isolation

Men’s Sheds is a simple idea to help improve the physical and mental health of its members through activities that are appealing to men. It’s a place where men can learn or teach new skills, find opportunities, and make friends in a safe and friendly environment. The program brings men together to work together on meaningful projects at their own pace and time to avoid isolation while giving back to society.

Members of the Williams Lake Men’s Shed were recently seen hanging out together and rebuilding the garden boxes at the Williams Lake Food Policy Council Community Garden. The group has been meeting for the past six months as part of a movement to bring men together to socialize and do volunteer work in the community. The garden started around 2012 as a high school student initiative, said Tatjana Bates, a registered dietitian with Interior Health (IH), who helps oversee it. She said the garden is part of IH’s food security work and is volunteer driven.

It takes many helping hands to run a large community garden and the help from volunteers is crucial. Balancing the garden’s upkeep and supporting bees and pollinators is challenging, and the community appreciates all the volunteer time that has gone into the management of the garden.

The Men’s Shed movement started in Australia about 30 years ago, says local member Bert Groenenberg. Men’s Shed Canada aims to improve men’s physical and mental health through engaging activities. In Williams Lake, the group first met in December 2023 and has been meeting weekly since January. One group member has offered the use of his two-car garage as a physical space for the group. According to member Mike Desautels, the group has enough skills to do almost anything. In April, some members assisted with a Repair Cafe at the Inspired Builder’s Market on North Lakeside Drive, organized by the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society.

The group also welcomes members who come just for coffee and socializing. If you want to get involved in gardening at the Memory Garden or volunteer your time, please email foodpolicycouncil@hotmail.com. To join the Williams Lake Men’s Shed group, contact Mike at 250-267-6466 or Bert at 250-398-0184.