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​​Local podcaster making underrepresented communities heard

Manitoba journalist Matthew Harrison is amplifying underrepresented voices in local communities through his podcast, From the Heart of Canada. The podcast is part of U Multicultural’s expanding audio and radio platforms in Winnipeg. After spending a year writing articles for the multimedia company, Harrison proposed the idea of a podcast to delve deeper into important local topics. The podcast shares stories from a local reporter’s perspective while tying these narratives to broader national issues.

“I’ve never done anything on the radio before,” says Harrison. “So, I suggested this and so the approach I’ve taken is, what are the kind of conversations that I enjoy having and what are the kind of things I enjoy learning about that are historically, culturally, [or] socially connected to Winnipeg, Manitoba or Canada.”  With his criteria, Harrison has found that many of the stories have led him to Indigenous topics.

Harrison has released four podcast episodes so far, covering topics like Trumpism, reclaiming Indigenous identity, a conversation with Niigaan Sinclair, and growing up Indigenous in a small community. He notes that Canada is a “contemporary society” focused on Indigenous issues and history. Through his research, interviews, and reporting, Harrison said he is learning about cultures and people while also learning about himself.

“Our present history with how we allow, how too often people carry prejudices that they were taught and that they were raised around in, say the ‘80s or the ‘90s, I still see a lot of that today and I know that First Nations people experience that first-hand still today,” he said.

At 29 years old, Harrison chooses his podcast guests based on the issues that pique his curiosity, often inspired by his studies at the University of Winnipeg, where he is majoring in history with a minor in psychology. His natural curiosity and desire to break down complex issues into understandable pieces are what led the editorial team at U Multicultural to green-light From the Heart of Canada.

Harrison’s podcast is available on U Multicultural’s website and audio platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Shoutcast, and U Multicultural’s YouTube Channel.

Source: Windspeaker