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Jessica Holmes urges Canadians to support the 2024 Defeat Depression Campaign

Jessica Holmes, a comedian, speaker, and author of books such as “Depression the Comedy” and “I Love Your Laugh,” has joined representatives of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) and other organizations to announce the launch of the 2024 Defeat Depression Challenge. Defeat Depression is an initiative that incorporates national mental health awareness and anti-stigma into a fundraising campaign that provides hope for people affected by depression and other mood disorders.

Statistics from the MDSC indicate that depression and other mental illnesses impact individuals from all demographics, affecting about one in five Canadians annually. This accounts for 15 percent of Canada’s healthcare burden and costs the Canadian economy nearly $50 billion each year. Throughout May, Jessica is championing mental health awareness and urging Canadians to engage in the campaign through various activities like walks, runs, bike rides, and more. The campaign’s peak is an assembly of online and community-based events on May 25th.

Jessica, who is advocating for better mental health, says that “getting support made a pivotal difference in my struggle, so I’m honoured to join the Defeat Depression campaign and raise desperately needed funds for mental health organizations.” This campaign allows people to get engaged in fundraising within their community and enables those who suffer to find the support they need and deserve.

With the support of its national and regional partners, the MDSC has raised more than $3 million over the past 13 years for mental health programs, resources, and services across Canada. The organization is committed to encouraging open conversations about mental health as they collaborate with individuals and other organizations to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.

The campaign offers support through mental health programming, including peer support, education, drop-in centres, counselling, fully accessible mental health resources, and other critical supports that help save the lives of Canadians. It is actively looking for support from corporations and individuals alike and invites all Canadians to get involved.

Defeat Depression is encouraging Canadians to donate to organizations that provide direct help to individuals affected by mental illness. Funds raised from the campaign will support efforts aimed at preventing and treating depression and other mental illnesses. Additionally, it will also help provide effective programs, resources, and support for Canadians. If you are interested in learning more or donating, please visit the Defeat Depression website.