For 12-year-old Kylie Williams, spending time on a PlayStation or playing games with other kids isn’t her idea of a fulfilling summer vacation—she would rather volunteer at a camp and help people. Kylie is eager to use her time to give back to the community in any way she can.
Despite her young age, Kylie has already gained experience as a babysitter, which she used to approach Tseycum Summer Camp Coordinator Tanya Edwards about volunteering at the camp.
Kylie spent her summer learning how to do crafts with kids and donated her own supplies to teach them painting, sculpting, and beading. The students were thrilled to be inspired by Kylie’s creativity. She has also been instrumental in encouraging students to celebrate their culture through making ribbon skirts, traditional drums, and ceremonial singing.
Kylie is from Tsawout First Nation and lives in BC. The Tsawout First Nation is a member of the Sencot’en Alliance, a First Nations government located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
After four weeks at camp, beyond just being creative, Kylie hopes that she has been able to inspire children to always be kind.
Source: CTV News